Equipment and consumables for industry and construction

Abrasives, Cutting, Fastening, Welding, Tools ... The best manufacturers and best products just for you!


The company’s main objective is the complete satisfaction of our customers together with the highest quality of products represented particularly oriented marketing specialist distributors

Personal Protective Equipment

We have a complete range of products at your disposal. Manufacturers specialized in footwear, clothing, eye and respiratory protection.

Equipment and consumables for industry and construction

Abrasives, Cutting, Fastening, Welding, Tools ... The best manufacturers and best products just for you!


The company’s main objective is the complete satisfaction of our customers together with the highest quality of products represented particularly oriented marketing specialist distributors


The REPRESENTAÇÕES FREIXO is a Portuguese company, with manifest ability to differentiate itself in a market increasingly demanding and competitive. Is a business centre and international representations where has as main objective the full satisfaction of its customers with the highest quality of the products represented, particularly oriented to marketing specialized distributors.

The REPRESENTAÇÕES FREIXO has presence in all Portuguese-speaking countries (PALOPS) and provides directly, with factory price, to importers, wholesalers and specialist trade organisations. All the factories and enterprises integrated international with theREPRESENTAÇÕES FREIXO are carefully selected for its production capacity, delivery, competitive price, quality and business reputation and human, having all of them a wide range of measures and articles for professionals.

Imbued with the confidence and credibility that we lay, we seek the best clients-distributors and the best suppliers to our clients-distributors.



The experience in the different areas , combined with a deep knowledge of international markets , allows us to present the best solutions for different markets (Represents internationally renowned brands , particularly in the area of PPE ‘S and consumables for industry and construction). Thus , the company expects to satisfy and retain their customers, so that his speech did not summarize an isolated case , but rather a continuation of the project. It is intrinsic to the company involved in the design of the customer, providing solutions to your needs and your specific needs , rather than standard equipment cheaper , and therefore more rapid obsolescence .



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Rua da Bandeira 595

Viana do Castelo


TELF: +351 258823296

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